Before & After Workout Tips

Before & After Workout Tips | Dr. Ali Ghahary

When working out, it’s important that we prep our bodies both before and after workouts to ensure we A) have all the nutrients required to not only help us burn fat, but increase our energy levels – and B) aren’t injuring our muscles or doing any further damage to our health.

In order to get the most out of your daily exercise routine, Dr. Ali Ghahary says you not only need to drink plenty of water, but also need to make sure your food intake is healthy and high in protein. Additionally, it’s also a good idea to stretch before and after exercising to improve muscle function and mobility, and prevent damage from occurring.


Fun Ways to Stay Fit This Summer

As a family physician in Vancouver, Canada, Dr. Ali Ghahary has always been a strong advocate of physical activity and encourages his patients to stay active.

Exercise has not only been scientifically proven to help one’s physical wellbeing – such as weight loss and weight management – but it is also great for one’s mental health, too, and can significantly reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

While exercise can be daunting and feel more like something you have to do as opposed to something you want to do, there are several ways you can make your fitness routine fun and hassle-free.

With the weather expected to stay sunny and hot across metro Vancouver for the foreseeable future, partaking in outdoor activities is one way to have fun while keeping fit – and with plenty of parks and beaches across the lower mainland, it shouldn’t be difficult to do.

One way you can incorporate physical activity into a fun routine is by going bike riding – this can be done alone or as a fun group activity. If you don’t have your own bicycle, Stanley Park offers affordable bike rentals starting at $7.62 with many different options to choose from, such as 1-speed and 7-speed cruisers, mountain bikes, city bikes, road bikes, tandem bikes for two, and even children’s bikes. Cycling is a great workout for the muscles and it gives your body strength and stamina, and helps to improve mobility. It is also way less straining on the body, therefore resulting in a much lower risk of developing injuries in comparison to other sports.

Beach volleyball is another fun way to stay healthy and fit. You can burn up to 130 calories by playing for as little as 30 minutes, and up to 480 calories by playing for 60 minutes. Beach volleyball is also great for improving your hand-eye coordination, increasing your metabolic rate, and toning and shaping the upper body (arms and shoulders.) Similarly, playing a game of tennis has the same great benefits.

Going swimming also blasts calories away, burning as much as 470 calories per hour. It is a total body workout and strengthens your arms, chest, abs, back, legs and shoulders.

For more summer health tips, follow Dr. Ali Ghahary on Twitter at @DrAliGhahary!

Senior Health

hand-588982_960_720With Canadians living longer, it is also important to note of the potential health risks that come with aging. As such, Health Canada is continuously researching ways to recognize the ongoing needs of seniors in Canada.

Some important principles that Dr. Ali Ghahary recommends for his patients are healthy eating, injury prevention, good oral hygiene, physical activity and smoking cessation; all of which are especially crucial for the well being of seniors in Canada today. Below we will take a slightly closer look at some of the foundations of these principles and the important roles that they play in helping seniors live healthier, happier lives.

fruits-155616_960_720Good nutrition, in particular, is relevant not only for your overall health, but also for seniors to maintain good balance, strength and resistance as they age, with the Canadian Food Guide recommending that all adults ages 51 and older eat at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, 6 to 7 services of grain products (bread, quinoa, cereal, cooked pasta) per day, up to 3 servings of milk/alternatives (fortified soy beverages, yogurt, cheese) per day, and 2 to 3 services of meat/alternatives (cooked fish, shellfish, poultry, lean meats, tofu, eggs, peanut butter, nuts and seeds) per day.

Up to 30% of seniors experience at least one fall every year, which are the dominant cause of injuries to seniors, and 85% of those falls requiring hospitalization. Common causes of falls amongst seniors include poor balance, usually due to declining muscle and bone strength, diminishing vision or hearing loss, and unsafe conditions in the home. It is important to take preventative measures in and around the home to avoid injury. This can be done by adding non-slip surfaces to the bathroom, eliminating clutter, installing good lighting in the home, having well-lit walkways and stairways, and placing otherwise hard-to-reach items in spots that are easier to get to. In the autumn and winter months it is also imperative to clear paths and staircases of any snow, ice or leaves in order to avoid slipping.

Low-impact exercise such as walking or aqua-fit is also beneficial to senior health, but one should always first check with their family physician before commencing any new exercise programs.